Saturday, 26 October 2013

 original photoshopped images

posted in the wrong order!

development of simple card 3d models , photographed and then photoshopped  I know Jamie only asked for one model but I really needed to experiment and learn how to do this.
 simple paper models to create a
I then made a quick sketch up model of the new design, traced over it and hand drew trees etc. I then added a second trace layer and added colour to it
development of garden for metis. The original idea of a celtic garden has completely altered.The raised mount just didn't work. now ive developed the concept of a pool of purity and a journey from wasteland (and the concept words Armageddon-war-consumption-waste-destruction) with piles of consumer waste, dead trees and self seeded weeds.then a pool of purification represented by clear still water. then step up and out into purity,using the key words heaven-nivarna-peace-tranquillity. This will be a calm open landscape of well tended grass, multi stemmed white birch and large box balls. The path will be wide and open leading out of the scene into the sacred grove (which will be whatever YOU  want it to be,your own special place

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

quick skills task3

well guys if an old technophobe like yours truly can do it anyone can
though im sure ive a/ done it wrong and b/ everyone else work will be far superior

use what you know-ask for help from fellow students(most of them wont bit) and just go for it,instinct is highly underrated

Sunday, 20 October 2013

well three hours spent on these two photoshop exercises. SLOWLY getting the hang of it , remembering bits we did last year. annoyed I ran out of time to do a third AND didn't have time to add shadows

quite pleased with what I had achieved until I saw what Chris and Anton had done. ( better add some self censorship here or there will be a  long rant of choice anglo- saxon words)

still , posted is what ive done

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Some second year work of mine. I used the Fibonnaci sequence to develop a curved spiral.I then used the negative space created to make a form that could be turned into either a rendered wall or sail feature in the garden. Quite pleased by the intellectual thought process and the idea of using space, or whats not there to design something. Of course now I discover that what I thought was a great original idea,has been done before.

Thursday, 3 October 2013

see below various colour swatches using different media and both trace and paper.

I find watercolour pencils drawn then washed to have the best effect on paper, whilst promarkers are much better on trace, I like the colour bleed effect they give. can't get on with the mixture pen though

not impressed by oil pastels though I will have to use them as I bought a box full and their not cheap.

for anyone having trouble  putting scans on blog there are loads of really complicated ways ( I googled loads that were around twenty steps.)

well heres a really easy way  ( has to be easy as even I managed to do it)

scan image
put scan into photoshop

export to desktop from photoshop as a JPEG ( will automatically revert to PDF again so this bits very important)

then upload image from desktop


I am sure one of you techno wiz kids will find an even better way,please let me know

quick break now to have some supper and watch the 'big bang theory' then  start garden conservation project

well finally sorted out how to do this blogging

work already piling up the secret is stop working for clients ( though this means no £ and I need to eat)

stop sleeping

read and read and read and draw,draw,draw

just going to start heritage garden project  wish me luck

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

early disasters

well I think i'm getting the hang of this   I have to log into blogger/BlogSpot first  but them am able to view my own blog
 one of my favourite pictures, taken at buttermere in the Lake district by yours truly
second attempt at posting blog